A Cup of Preparation

Whew what a day! I went to work, picked up the kids after work, dropped my daughter off to dance with her pre-packed dinner (thank goodness I packed their dinner this morning). While she was at dance practice I had two hours to pick up baking supplies, items needed to complete all of the orders I have to fill this weekend AND dinner for tomorrow! #MyLife

Hi, My name is Gwen and I’m the owner of Heavenly Sweets Bakery in Greenville, NC. I specialize in customized cakes and gourment treats!  

I work a full time job as a research specialist by day and I run my bakery weekday evenings and on the weekend.

On top on top of that I’m married to the crazy, sexy and super cool Mr. Jones.  He helps me with the bakery, is a life coach / motivational speaker and Chick-Fil-A Manager.  #PowerCouple #TeamJones

AND we have two kids, Joshua and Alyssa!

Again #MyLife

*******Press Play, Back to My day!*******

I picked my daughter up from dance, came home, whipped up a batch of cake batter, put my cakes in the oven. Checked homework while the cakes were baking, then I had a few extra minutes so I just went ahead and whipped up tomorrow’s dinner on top of the oven (sphaghetti, so quick and easy).  Thought you might need proof of this one so here it is:

Of course at this point the kids are hungry again! (Which is why they should’ve been in bed by 8:30 pm, I was being soft tonight, let them stay up late). So I fed them AGAIN and sent them on their way! 

———-By the end of my day ———

Kids fed TWICE, cakes for this weekend baked and dinner for tomorrow is complete = Super Woman!

Don’t be to impressed with me just yet, this will hopefully be dinner till Saturday!! 

A little preparation will take you a long way! It’s almost like a medication. It relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, reduces migraines, improves your mood and has little to no side effects. It takes time, but it also saves time.

Take a few extra minutes to prepare, you’ll thank yourself later!

Add this cup to your life’s mix and I PROMISE you’ll have an improved recipe!  

And one more thing! My kids HATE vegetables so I ninja all my veggies (squash, mushrooms, zucchini) sauté them and throw them in the sauce, they never now the difference! And eat ALL of their hidden veggies!

Enjoy your day! Make it count! Remember to take a few minutes for you! #YouMatter #PursueYou #COJ

A Cup of Endurance

EVERY TIME I begin to feel frustrated and think about slowing down (whatever that means),  I come across something like this – Fitness Model With No Heart and I think “but he’s doing it AGAINST ALL ODDS! You are completely healthy, have a strong support system, everything you need is within your reach it just requires you putting in work and you’re tired, complaining and making excuses, REALLY?” Then I immediately REPENT, dust myself off, GET UP, refocus and GET BACK TO WORK.  You get ONE LIFE, ONE CHANCE to make use of every gift God has given you to make a difference and be impactful. No time for excuses! Be the change .. Keep it moving!! If you’re too tired, God will find someone else who’s willing! The work still must be done! 

Today I give you A Cup of Endurance!  

What ingredients do you lack?   Patience, balance, organization, vision, perspective? What’s keeping you from moving forward?  Take some time and think about that.  Write down all the giants that are telling you that “You Can’t” Then beside each can’t write down why YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN!   Now you’ve got your plan for battle!   So GET UP, get yourself together, dust yourself off, clean yourself up and PURSUE YOU!!! Pursue your Peace, Pursue your Passion, Pursue your Purpose!  There’s NOTHING STOPPING YOU BUT YOU! You are closer than you think!  Just a few more steps and you’ve made it!  Push yourself to do better, force yourself to be stronger!  Don’t be lead by what you feel, look at your list of CANs and be lead by WHAT YOU KNOW!  You’ll find out that you are stronger than you thought!  Go ahead try it, surprise yourself!  If this model is living his life without a heart beat, what excuse do we have?? 

#IHaveTheseConversationsWithMyself #There’sWorkToBeDone      #ThisDudeIsIncredible! #HELITERALLYHASNOHEART. #MentalToughness #Strength #Endurance #IfHeCanDOTHAT  #NOLIMITTOWHATICANDO

This is YOU!!! 👇🏽

Find Your Cup

Life is crazy busy! Many things pull us in multiple directions. Mastering Work – Life balance is a goal that can sometimes seem out of reach!  

You’re super woman, I get it. People need you, trust me, I hear you! But somewhere in your quest to save the world, remember to find time for you! You keep it up and you’ll find that you’re drowning while you keep everyone else afloat! 

So what’s your cup? What can you add to your life’s mix to make your batter complete. For me it’s TV! Just mindless entertainment! I don’t like to be bothered when I’m watching TV, THAT IS MY TIME! My time of refreshing, my moment to be alone, my time to bond with my favorite characters and watch them deal with their own problems! During TV time, it’s not my fight, it’s not my struggle, nothing is required of me in that moment!  

BUT I never have time to watch TV, so this morning I put the kids on the bus at 7:15am, I got back into my bed and turned on my favorite show! I took my one hour, now I’m off to work!

Enjoy today, you only get this day once! Always remember, you are a BETTER Mom, a BETTER Wife, your BEST YOU .. WHEN YOU TAKE A BREAK! 

Find Your Cup!  

A Cup of Strength 

I know, I know, you’re a tired hard working Momma! Daddy works a lot and the kids are bouncing off the walls. BUT Sometimes you just have to throw on your chucks and play ball!! A Momma’s got to do what she’s got to do! You’re stronger than you think! #ThePowerOfMom #You’veGotThis

That’s the power of a mom!  I had a long day, I have a million things to do, but he deserved those two hours of my time and that big smile on his face was totally worth it .. I can rest later!!! 

A Cup of Courage!


I’ve ALWAYS had a fear of public speaking! I consider myself a “Behind The Scenes” type chick! I mean, hey, SOMEONE has to do it. Most people want to be out front, not me, I’m like a minion I love to serve and I’m faithful to my villain! I’m REAL OK with letting whomever I serve be the main attraction, the star, while I work in the shadows making sure everything is in order so THEY shine!!!

This plan has kept me for years, I’m personal assistant to at least four different people. The people I serve love me and I’m happy to lighten their load. I was comfortable, content in my current state.

THEN, God placed it on our hearts to relocate to a new church in a new city!  My new Pastor saw something in me that I didn’t even see. HE ASKED ME TO GET UP IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH AND SPEAK!!!  I wanted to tell my pastor NO, but me being the minion that I am, I would NEVER let my leader down, if that’s what he needed from me, I had to figure out how to make it work!

So I read a few articles about public speaking, wrote out a few speeches, practiced and before I knew it, it was time to go on stage . My legs were trembling, my heart was racing, I honestly think I had a small anxiety attack, but I had to complete my mission. At that point I just said to myself, SELF, “you’ve prepared, you’ve practiced, YOU’VE GOT THIS!”  And I just did it!!! I got the mic and did my thing! When it was over, I exhaled and thought, oh my goodness, I did it! I didn’t freeze, I didn’t suck .. I’d faced my worst fear and I NAILED IT!

Today, I want you to know that sometimes you have to do it even when you’re afraid! Add this cup of courage to your life’s mix and DO IT! I promise when you face your fear you’ll be proud that you did! Remember, “You’ve Practiced, You’ve Prepared, YOU’VE GOT THIS!”

I dedicate this post to my Pastors. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone towards greatness!


I DID IT!!!!!!!
