Tiny Teachers

One thing I know to be true .. parenting IS NOT EASY! When you’re tired it is even more difficult because kids still want and need despite how you feel or what’s on your agenda.

This evening I was frustrated and tired, but I didn’t show it. Took a minute, pulled it together in the car, came in the house and proceeded with our evening routine.

While Lyss was packing her lunch she said, “Mommy today one of my friends asked, are you rich?” Then she said, “I told them, I’m just a regular child with great parents.”

Those few words made me smile and changed my whole perspective. Reminded me, nope, it’s not always easy, parenting requires a lot of sacrifice, and if I were to be completely honest, often times it can seem unfair BUT precious moments like these remind me that it’s totally worth it! The unconditional love of a child is like none other.

Your night start off like mine? Hang in there Momma, be encouraged. Your precious moment is coming. If you need a “right now smile” I share my precious moment with you.

I told ya, they are great teachers and they always have perfect timing! Our little reminders of God’s grace!

#BeEncouraged #PressOn #SoWorthIt #They’llThankYouLater #PreciousMoments #COJ

Forever A Student

Whew .. this handsome man right here!!!!! Almost 13 years of marriage, 2 years of dating and 2 kids later .. he STILL makes me blush and feel all warm and fuzzy! We don’t strive to be perfect, gave that up a long time ago. Our goal, to never take one another for granted, say “I Love You” daily and we choose to forever be students of our marriage, our children and each other. We are always evolving, our learning is never complete.

I challenge you today to become a student of your spouse AND your children. I’m sure they have so much to teach you! Knowledge really is power! Power to better understand, power to be compassionate, power to love despite flaws, power to better communicate, power to look past the outer shell and learn to know and love their heart!

Once you begin to understand their heart, you will learn how to best love their person!

I’m still learning how to best love you Alfonzo Jones II ❤️ and I love every second of our journey together!

#TeamJones4LIFE #ForeverStudents #COJ

Photo Credit: Alyssa Jones