Know yourself and you will prosper

Powerful!! Many of us know our emotions (happy, sad, angry) but we don’t understand our feelings. When confrontation occurs, we respond with an emotion, never communicating the root of the upset or disappointment, the feeling (afraid, offended, unloved, unwanted, undervalued, taken for granted). Learn your triggers, then communicate the trigger attached to a feeling and watch your relationships blossom.

Looks like this:

“When you said “X”, I felt “unloved.”
“When I call you and you don’t answer, I feel afraid that something may have happened to you.”
“When you made that decision without me, I felt disrespected, like I don’t matter, please include me next time.”

Failure to Launch

Begin your year with confidence! Failure is required for growth!

Answer the questions and flow with the chart, 2020 is your year to begin again or realize that it’s time to stop, reevaluate, make a few tweaks and try again!

We believe in you!
We are here to support you!
We are already proud of you!
You Matter & You are Needed!