Speak Well of Yourself

“To build a kind, respectful, and loving relationship, start by being all those things to yourself first.”
– ArielandShya Kane

Today’s focus ➡️ YOUR WORDS!
Your words matter!

Negativity is like a dense fog:

  1. It tends to hover. It’s up to us to turn on our brights so we can see clearly in the fog.
  2. It’s dull. Funny how dim light is in the fog. It’s not always rain, but it’s never bright sunshine ☀️. Sometimes it’s on us to seek and discover rays of light!
  3. It requires adjustment. When the dense clouds blur your vision, when you can’t see what’s on the other side. You still have to drive through the fog, but for safety you must adjust your speed and point of view. Sometimes getting through the fog requires slowing down. Often times it requires leaning in, getting closer to the glass for a clearer view.

How do you find light in the fog? Speak well of yourself!

Be aware of what you are telling yourself daily? Take a moment to assess your self – talk. Write it down if you must, but call out the thought and make the appropriate adjustments!

If you’re accustomed to criticism and negative, add on a ray of sunshine to the end of your statement.

Looks like this:

UGH 😣, I’m so scatterbrained, I always forget BUT I’m going to set an alarm next time or make a list and check it. Brain, we can remember, we’ve got this!!

Before you can properly love anyone else, you must learn to love you!

Happy Friday!

Adv. Grief Recovery Specialist
Emotional Wellness Coach
Podcast Host:
Author: misfit2majorfit.com

mentalhealthmatters #self-love #youmatter #livefree #nomorechains #counselor #quoteoftheday

Code of Conduct

Faithful, Focused, Fruitful.
Faithful, Focused, Fruitful.

The moment I found myself existing in offense and irritation, I knew it was time for a pause! I realized my upcoming vacation was beyond want, I NEEDED this great escape!

I couldn’t return home the same, my time away was limited and I knew this time had to be dedicated to recovery.


I was FAITHFUL. Faithful to my physical, mental and emotional health and healing.

I was FOCUSED – Focused on restoration. Whatever it took to rejuvenate my mind, body and soul.

As a result of my faithfulness and focus, I was FRUITFUL! I was refreshed, revived, and restored. I was given a strategy and the tools to recover my life! In this month’s podcast, The Power of Pause, I share those tools with you!

This is my new Code of Conduct (The F3 Code). I now exist peaceably. I move with clarity and precision.

I was simply surviving, now I’m thriving. This is my prayer for you.
Enough with the simple goal of surviving our days, weeks, months and years, tis the season to THRIVE!

Adv. Grief Recovery Specialist
Emotional Wellness Coach
Podcast Host:
Author: misfit2majorfit.com

NewCode #Pause #mentalhealthawareness #podcastersofinstagram #selflove #youmatter #mindfulness