Your Tears are OK!

Our feelings matter and our tears are ok! #StrongerTogether
We teach our children from infants that it’s not ok to cry! That’s a myth! Tears are normal and natural and they actually serve a purpose and can be a powerful emotional release! Many of us, including myself weren’t allowed to cry growing up so now we lack the beautiful powerful gift of tears!!!!

I love and admire those with the gift of tears, it’s not a sign of weakness, it’s powerful, inspiring, and actually displays emotional strength and confidence!

Beauty from Ashes

“Let that pain become your inspiration”

This is a beautiful, heart wrenching, amazing story of perseverance and triumph!!!! You never truly know an individual until you know their story! This inspired me and I couldn’t wait to share it with you! It speaks to the power of words, the power of one’s past, and how running from your past can and will hault your future! It speaks to the struggle, pain and freedom that comes with forgiveness. It also demonstrates that there is nothing that’s too broken for God to mend! Beauty truly can come from ashes and knowing this story, full of pain, power and hope gives this song, “I can only imagine” so much more depth!!

Hey I watched it on Hulu!
Enjoy 😉!

Tiny Hearts Matter

Try these tips to calm your little ones. All of these changes affect them as well. Be careful with the phrase, “be strong” consider replacing it the phrase, “be honest.”

Don’t assume your kids are ok, have the conversation with them, then hold them tight and share that sometimes you are afraid as well. Your honesty and vulnerability with them will affirm that they are not alone, that their happy, sad, angry, and scary feelings are real and ok. It will bring them comfort, peace and will form an unbreakable bond between you both as you continue to teach them that you are their safe place!


