The Power of Choice: changing your choices can change your life.

Feeling EXCITED! Choose to find the good in your day! What’s your expectation? I’m expecting miracles, healing, wealth, love, peace and an opportunity to be someone’s blessing! Choose happiness today, make a decision to love and allow yourself to be loved, choose rest and time for yourself to be refreshed. Choose to be excited about life despite life! You have control over how you choose to feel and what you allow to affect you! Often times we give too much attention to negativity. Choose to see the good in your life daily, what are five things that you are thankful for? Replace each negative in your life with a positive, we have so many blessings around us that we don’t see because we continually choose to see darkness and not light. Let your light shine today! Exercise your right to peace, freedom and emotional health. Become excited again, the joy of the Lord is our strength! Be encouraged today family, choose happiness, choose YOU, you deserve it! #COJ #choosehappiness #ChooseYOU #chooseyourmood

Is Your Truth a Lie?

It’s important to be aware of truth vs. untruth! At times I’m guilty of being so zoomed in and focused on minor things that I fail to zoom out and understand the big picture. As those minor details, whether they are truths or untruths, are my focus, they become my reality. Existing in a false reality is dangerous.  Your reality affects your thoughts which control your perceptions. My prayer for us today is that the scabs be removed from our eyes so that we can see clearly. I pray that every lie that we have created in our mind is exposed so that we are free to discover and walk in truth.  

Check your reality, what’s the root of your upset, why are you holding on to that offense? Could it possibly be because you are believing a lie? Is it time to free yourself from bitterness, anger and depression by walking in forgiveness? 

Check yourself daily, check your feelings hourly! Guard your heart and mind and seek to live in truth. The truth really can set you free.  

In all that you do, don’t forget about YOU!

      As women, we’ve mastered caring for others, but we generally don’t take care of ourselves! Treat yourself today! It doesn’t have to be grand, just something that’s yours! @alfonzojones2 is taking me to lunch today! I can’t wait. My entire life is dedicated to serving others and I love what I do. What’s my secret? I Love hard and serve well, BUT, I know when it’s time to retreat in order refill! I take a few moments to focus on me and then I’m ready to get back to work!  

      So do what you do and do it well. But also know when it’s time to retreat! In all that you do, NEVER forget about you. I PROMISE your children, your husband, your clients, supervisors and friends will thank you! 

      Remember you are a better mom, wife, employee and friend, when you take a break. Don’t worry, it’s ok to choose a day that’s all about you! Give yourself permission to love you! You work hard, you deserve it!

Have a wondrous Wednesday! I’m Praying for you!  
