Your Day Matters

I pickup my daughter from school and we’ve established a “no phone” policy” in the car so we can catch up and learn about each others day. Today Lyss gets in the car and says, Hi Mom! How was your day?

Me: Good but busy

Lyss: What’s one thing that made you smile today?

(Before I could answer)

Lyss: What’s one thing you did nice for someone else today.

Me: (overwhelmed at this point 😆) hmm I’ll have to think about that! Then I gave her my answer.

She caught me completely off guard, I’m usually the one offering the conversation starters, lol. Even though it felt like an interrogation, it was nice of her to inquire about my day.

Thought I’d pay it forward and ask you JIC no one asked you how your day was today!


#YourDayMatters #GoodVibes #conversationstarters

The Super Hero Within

Wonderful Wednesday to you all. Today is National Comic Book Day.

Now, I’m no comic book connoisseur, but I do believe that we all are gifted with a super power.

What’s my super power you ask? I am gifted to be a big heart with ears. I can listen to one’s words and hear their heart. Pretty cool right?

So tell me, what’s your super power? Not quite sure, that’s absolutely ok. What are your strengths? What causes your eyes to sparkle and your soul to be energized? What is your natural bend? Is there a certain group of people or activity that you’re drawn too? It’s in there, you’ve likely been using it all along, like many of our super heroes, it probably simply has not yet been revealed.

If you go through life trying to become someone else, or you’re driven by pain, envy, or pride, doesn’t that technically make you the villain? Constantly fighting to prove yourself and find value through your works?


Always be you, your super power was crafted, designed, and gifted to you for you to use to make impact. All that you need is already in you. Find it and work it!

From my heart to yours


From Dreamer to Dreamer

Did you know, Jim Henson, the voice and creator of Kermit the Frog, had a childhood dream to pursue his first love. We all assume that his first love involved the design and creation of puppets, but it was not. His first love was all things related to television. His legacy was birthed from his desire to be involved in the world of television.

Today is Jim Henson’s Birthday. Happy Happy birthday to a visionary, trendsetter, master creative and collaborator!

What does the legacy of Jim Henson teach us?

1- Dare to dream. Take the risk. Pursue your passion. His unique story is evidence that sometimes you just need to take the first step towards your dream, then enjoy the adventure.

2- Age can’t be the reason you refuse to move. Jim created Kermit the Frog in high school. You’re never too old or too young to begin moving towards your passion. So get to the root. Be emotionally honest with yourself and reveal what’s really holding you back. Is it fear? Low Self-Esteem? Comparison? There is POWER in awareness. Once you know your enemy you can equip yourself to fight and overcome.

3- Embrace and nurture your inner child. Life tends to dim our light and destroy our natural ability to imagine and dream. Our experiences sometime cause us to simply exist amidst the pressure and expectations of others. But we forget to actually live. When you give your child a gift, they rip it open, then play with the wrapping paper, completely ignoring what’s in the box. Why is the wrapping paper more interesting? Because the crumbled paper that they hold in their little hands has endless possibilities. They can mold it, shape it, feel it, hear it, and sometimes even taste it. Let’s forget what’s in the box and get back to playing with the wrapping paper. Forgive, live again, love again, play again!

So, if age ain’t nothing but a number and you are the author of your life story, your story begins now! So what’s the move? I can’t wait to read all about it.


Strong Girls Cry Too

Tears are a normal and natural response to joy, excitement, or pain. Whether you have a broken bone, an exciting achievement or a broken heart, as humans, our natural response is to cry. So why do we teach our young children that tears are not ok and only babies are allowed to cry? Society has taught us that tears are a sign of weakness, rather than beautiful moments of vulnerability.

Check out this article concerning the benefits of tears and next time you feel like you wanna cry, allow yourself to.

It’s ok, you’re not weak. In a world void of tears, it takes great strength to give one’s self permission to cry. Here’s a secret, Tears are the window to one’s heart. They are modes of communication and methods of release. The next time you feel the need to cry, do it, no apologies and no regrets, STRONG GIRLS CRY TOO!! Tearless children breed adults with internal bleeding.

Besides, what are your options? Release and Relief or Internalize and Deteriorate or Explode. My supervisor once strongly advised me to never heat a closed system. Why, because of the risk of explosion. It was hazardous to my health and a threat to the safety of those around me.  

If you continue to endure pressure and pain with no release, in time you’ll self destruct. Your tears are ok, they are a gift, allow them to flow freely!

Your Tears Matter



Purpose for Approval? Not an even trade! Identifying Approval Seeking Behaviors.

What do you trade daily for approval? Your time? Your ideas? Your Voice? Your talent?As an advanced Grief Recovery Specialist, I teach clients about a concept we call “Approval seeking.” Approval seeking behaviors are dangerous. They can be life limiting and purpose killers. We all have them, some we’re aware of some we aren’t.

For me it was makeup 💄! There was a time where I would never leave my house without a full face! What if I saw someone while my face was bare, What would they think? I hated having to present myself as flawless due to fear of rejection if anyone saw the natural me! But I did it for years!

Again I ask, what are you trading for the approval of others? Don’t think you have any approval seeking behaviors? Finish these sentences, “I can’t leave the house without ….”, “I don’t …”, “I’d love to …”, “I have really good ideas …” Answer these questions honestly then write out your why? Why don’t you share your ideas? Why don’t you speak up? Why don’t you show up as your authentic self? Why aren’t you doing what you love? Once you understand your why, you’ll identify areas in which you seek approval!

If you’ve discovered that you’re probably employee of the year at “Trade it.” No worries, this is awesome and I’m beyond excited for you! Why? Because now that you’re aware you can adjust! YOU CAN CHOOSE to say NO! You can regain control of your life.

Stop adapting and start becoming, it’s your time! We need what you have, but your gift will only come from the authentic you. The approval seeking you is a puppet with a puppeteer. Cut those strings today and reintroduce yourself to the world. Warning everyone won’t love and accept your authentic you, that’s OK. Prepare your heart for loss, but stand your ground. I promise, if they leave and choose to return, they will return on YOUR TERMS! Enlarge your territory, remove the costume, and begin to display your new wardrobe. Then watch them fall in love with the authentic, unapologetic you! These relationships will be built to last.

Purpose for Approval? Not an even trade! Identifying Approval Seeking Behaviors.

What do you trade daily for approval? Your time? Your ideas? Your Voice? Your talent? In Grief Recovery, I teach clients about a concept we call “Approval seeking behaviors.” Approval seeking is dangerous as it can be life limiting and purpose killers. We all have them, some we’re aware of some we aren’t.

For me it was makeup 💄! There was a time where I would never leave my house without a full face! What if I saw someone while my face was bare, What would they think? I hated having to present myself as flawless due to fear of rejection if anyone saw the natural me! But I did it for years!

Again I ask, what are you trading for the approval of others? Don’t think you have any approval seeking behaviors? Finish these sentences, “I can’t leave the house without ….”, “I don’t …”, “I’d love to …”, “I have really good ideas …” Answer these questions honestly then write out your why? Why don’t you share your ideas? Why don’t you speak up? Why don’t you show up as your authentic self? Why aren’t you doing what you love? Once you understand your why, you’ll identify areas in which you seek approval!

If you’ve discovered that you’re probably employee of the year at “Trade it.” No worries, this is awesome and I’m beyond excited for you! Why? Because now that you’re aware you can adjust!

Stop adapting and start becoming, it’s your time!


This is a destructive cycle you can escape with awareness, mental reset, and positive self-talk.

Looks something like this:

Try again: Begin with positive affirmations. I’ve got this. I can do this. I am enough. I Consider every attempt a learning experience and Opportunity for Growth.

All or Nothing: It’s not perfect, but I’m trying, that’s a win! I refuse to allow my need for perfection to suffocate and kill my purpose. Perfection is not required, only my best effort. Doing something is better than trying nothing.

Insatiable Drive: I get to choose my focus. I am not an island, I get to choose my community. I choose to nurture positive thoughts. I will not entertain negativity. I will connect with and glean from a positive community. My purpose is bigger than me. What I see as a flaw, others see as a brave attempt.

Burnout: I understand that boundaries are necessary for continued growth and productivity. I will not take on more than I can handle. I’ll tell you, “NO” now in order to save you from disappointment later. I UNDERSTAND THAT PEOPLE CAN NOT GIVE ME WHAT THEY DON’T HAVE! LIKEWISE, I CAN NOT GIVE PEOPLE MORE TIME, ENERGY, AND EFFORT THAN I HAVE. Allowing me time and space to care for me is of great benefit to you. I’ll be a better wife, mother, employee, volunteer, sister, and friend if I’m allowed to take care of me first.

Depression: I’ve reached my limit, and that’s ok. No more suffering in silence. I am not a failure, it’s just time for me to seek help.

It’s time to stand up for YOU! You can do this, I believe in you and I’m already proud of you.


Need help, reach out –

I’m ready when you are.

You’ve Got This! Tuesday Inspiration.

Begin this Tuesday with confidence! You already have everything that you need. What you think you don’t have, it’s there, may just need to be developed. We learn as we grow & that’s absolutely ok! Stop fearing it and just do it! I’m no different from you and I’m doing it & learning more and more daily.
You’ve got this! We’ve GOT THIS!

Happy Tuesday

Dare to be YOU!

God created chameleons, tree frogs, spiders and cuttlefish to change their colors in order to blend into their natural environment. It’s not your calling. Don’t be afraid to stand out, you were divinely and uniquely created to shine. The world can’t benefit from you if they can’t find you! Dare to be YOU! You matter and we need you!

Happy Monday