Check your motive!

If no one ever says a word YOU must know in your heart that #YouMatter and #YourEffortsMatter and that should be enough to continue to shine on! If it isn’t, let’s get to the root.

Are you …

A. Approval Seeking
B. Attention Seeking
C. People Pleasing

Check yourself and your motive today family! It matters!



I love this quote, BUT it also makes me cringe!

You ARE Amazing!

You ARE Worthy & so Valuable!

But if all you’ve ever heard is:

“You should be more like …”

“You’re ugly or dumb”

“You’ll never be anything”

“You’re just like your …”


If trauma has taught you that you don’t have control over your body, silenced your voice and rendered you powerless.

How are you supposed to “hold your head high and start loving yourself right now??”

Consider this, self-love, confidence and care is a learned behavior.

My confidence in my work comes from my Mother who always told me, “you can do anything you put your mind to!” However, my fear of stepping into the unknown and my preference to play it safe is also rooted in my mother’s words.

Before you can truly love yourself, just as you are, these belief systems that have been deeply embedded into our identities must be called out, denounced and restructured!

So I write today to validate you. There is a reason you aren’t the bold, confident, daring individual that you desire to be.

Everything you need to thrive is already in you! You CAN get there, and you will love yourself again. But you may need a little help identifying the root of your insecurities. Never be ashamed to ask! We’re so much stronger together.

I’m rooting for you. I’m proud of you! I believe in you and I love you, just as you are, right where you are!


Bloom where you are planted

Even when you can’t see it or feel it, you’re growing.

Remember, when a seed is planted, the roots thrive in the darkness and form the foundation underground before the sprout or blossom is ever seen! The beautiful flower is the result of the foundation created by the roots. Even when the flower fades, the root remains and will produce a new 🌸 in it’s season.

Keep strengthening your foundation! Trust the process and you’ll bloom wherever you’re planted!


Perfectly Imperfect

INCREDIBLE TALK on how women are socialized to be perfect and not brave!

Teach Girls Bravery , Not Perfection

“Socialize girls to be imperfect and they will build a better world for themselves”

Do listen, it’s only 12 minutes, it’s so true! I struggled with perfectionism for years, honestly it is one of the reasons I don’t try. That dreadful phrase, “failure is not an option” keeps many from trying!

Perfection is a prison! A box that confines you and keeps you from reaching your full potential. It’s a dream snatcher and a purpose killer!

I dream of becoming a bold, confident, inspiring speaker. Females need to see other females thriving and young girls need to see what their future could look like. But time after time, my voice is muted and my powerful message goes unheard because of this paralyzing fear of getting on stage and being unable to deliver a flawless speech. The heart is there, the message is there, the confidence is there. But I’ve been crippled by the false belief system that I was taught as a child, “whatever you do, be the best at it.” Powerful words meant to inspire continually hold me hostage! Because I was taught, if I can’t be perfect then I can’t do it at all!

Be free from perfectionism today! Perfection is a myth, dare to try. Consider failure to be a learning experience not a punishment. Failure does not equal exile! Failure means you were brave enough to try!

In science, we have this saying, that negative data is still good data! We can work on an experiment for years and never achieve the result that we desire. However, even without the novel discovery, we‘ve had the opportunity to learn what doesn’t work and that’s good information too.

Live outside of the box.

Go DO! Go BE! Go TRY!

Be perfectly imperfect and teach your daughters and your students that perfection is not required!


Love on a loved one Wednesday

It’s love on a loved one Wednesday!

Me: Joshua, you will always be my baby.

JJ (as he puts his hand on my shoulder): Mom, I’m gonna be a grown man one day. I’m gonna have a wife, and a family, and a good job.)

Me: 😳🤯🥺☹️😒😖😫😤🧐 I don’t wanna talk about this anymore!

JJ: Mom, are you gonna cry at my wedding???

Me: Probably, if I make it! 😭😭😭😭 (I change the subject quickly)

But JJ what if you had your own business? What would you do?

JJ: 🤔 hmmm, I’d probably make bookmarks.

Me: 😂😂🥰 Ok Son!

This is how my morning started, I need Grief Recovery! Help Aunty Lois Hall!!!!

Have a phenomenal Wednesday!

Cherish those that you love.

Reach out to a loved one today.

Undelivered communications cause so much grief! Don’t assume they know how much they mean to you, tell them how much they matter and why while you have the opportunity to do so.

You don’t want to find yourself in a place where you’re wishing you’d done differently, better, or more.


Changing from the inside out

Ready for change? It all begins with you! Believe it or not, everything you need to become all that you desire to be is ALREADY WITHIN YOU!

There was a time when I didn’t have the confidence to post a photo of myself. Grief Recovery helped me understand why. I didn’t like my photos because I didn’t like myself. I didn’t like myself because I didn’t know myself. I knew what others wanted me to be but I had no idea who or what I was purposefully designed and created to be. As a result I suffered from a severe case of comparisonitis that kept me in hiding for the majority of my young and adult life.

I’ve done my work and now I stay facebook ready!

Enough about me, I am now trained and ready to help YOU! The process that brought me freedom is called Grief Recovery and it is readily available to you. Just say the word, and we’ll get to work.

You know YOU MATTER RIGHT? If you don’t, that’s ok, let’s work together to better understand your why. I’ll stand with you and believe it for you until you’re in a place where you can believe it for yourself!

Better is waiting for you! All you have to do is show up!

I believe in you and I’m already proud of you!

Happy Monday


Soccer Mom 101

Things I’ve learned about surviving as a Soccer mom.

1) Your goal is to be cool not cute! Step out in this heat with a full face if you want to, we’ll standby and watch it all melt or smear! The pro soccer mom’s may can do both but as a beginner, you’re goal is to not pass out as you introduce your body to this heat index of 100,000!

2) Long hair is not an option! Short wigs, ponytails, and messy buns only!! That stuff will either swell or stick!

3) You’ll need an umbrella and a 4 gallon jug of ICED water for YOU & YOUR BABY! You should barely be able to lift it, should have to hold it with both hands and lean back a bit in order to drink it (see demonstration in pic below). If there’s no lean, your jug is too small!

Not venting, just sharing with hopes of helping a future soccer mom out!

#SoccerMom101 #AlmostThroughTheSeason


Pray & Prepare and you will WIN!

Sometimes choosing life, means choosing to rest! On this restful Tuesday, choose to slow down, BREATHE, & take a moment to rest and reflect. Then pause and begin to briefly describe your day. Don’t forget to include and leave space for those unplanned events that are bound to happen.

Now, you know what’s coming at Ya and you’re not worried about what you may be forgetting. Anything that comes your way today, you are fully prepared for it. Your daily description now becomes your plan of action. Work your plan all day.

If it works well for you, consider doing it again tomorrow. Soon you’ll have a morning ritual (routine). Morning rituals save lives by relieving stress & anxiety. They also help you focus & prioritize. Remember a good start will lead to a strong finish. Pray and prepare and you’ll win!

Let me know how it works out for ya. If you like it, Share a bit about your morning routine, there is so much we can learn from you.
