The Power of Connection


Grateful, grateful, grateful, gratefulness flows from my heart!! Every call, every text, every seed sown, has meant so much to me!

I begin year 38 proud of how far I’ve come and thankful that God took my heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh!

For years I was an island! I’d convinced myself that I was Superwoman and didn’t need anyone else! Removing that cape, becoming vulnerable and embracing divine connection was the best decision I’ve ever made!!

Yesterday was proof that we are stronger together! Your love for me has literally given me life! Your words have given me energy and refueled my will to use what God has given me to make impact!

🗣🗣🗣 For those of you sitting on your island alone, know that although it may feel safe and comfortable, it’s not healthy and it’s robbing you of the life and energy that only comes through a divine connection! It is not GOOD for us to be alone! Do yourself a favor, take off the cape, and choose to try something new.

Know when you need help, find someone that is safe, and ask for it.

-Do it for yourself
-Do it for your family
-Do it for your children
-Do it for your sanity

You’ll be so glad you did! I’m proud of you already!


God’s Masterpiece

Year 37 was all about, “Embracing, Learning, & Loving me.” I’m always a work in progress, but I’m proud to say that I’ve worked diligently at last year’s goal and achieved it!

Now that I’m #FINALLYME and I realize that I am God’s handiwork, created in Christ to do GOOD WORKS which God has prepared in advance for me to do (Ephesians 2:10, my birthday scripture). I’m ready to tackle the new mission God’s placed in my heart for year 38 – to Focus, be productive and make IMPACT! Watch out world, I believe wholeheartedly that year 38 is a game-changer!

I’m so grateful for clarity and peace. I’m so thankful for purpose revealed. I’m incredibly blessed to be surrounded by so much love, brilliance, and accountability.

Lord NEVER let me take any of your blessings for granted, but in everything, give thanks and present to you, a grateful heart!!!

Did you know you are God’s masterpiece, his handiwork, created on purpose to fulfill purpose (Ephesians 2:10)!!!! Would you stand in agreement with me and add this hashtag, #MASTERPIECE! Lord knows you are, guess what .. WE MATTER, WE ARE VALUABLE, WE ARE WORTHY, WE HAVE PURPOSE .. and God is not a respecter of persons, if he’s done all this for me, guess what, you’re next!!

Thank you for celebrating with me!!!!!
❤️ Gwen