The perspective conversation

Sometimes our moments can seem SO BIG, be overwhelming, and all consuming!

Let’s talk about life’s moments, here’s your morning (or evening) ☕️:

✅ They are REAL!
✅ They MATTER!
✅ They evoke powerful emotions!
✅ They are temporary!

‼️Where there are no moments, there is no life‼️

Life’s moments remind me of paint by number. If we were to assign each moment a color, at the end of our days, we’ve created a beautiful masterpiece! Millions of moments create your story. ONE moment is ONE part of your big picture!

❎ It isn’t your destiny
❎ It isn’t a stop sign, although It may require a detour
❎ If one moment isn’t so great, another one is coming and you get to choose whether you handle it or it handles you!

Every once in a while, the perspective conversation is required.
Today is your day!
Each moment belongs to you!

1️⃣ Honor it
2️⃣ Breathe through it
3️⃣ Learn the lesson
4️⃣ Repeat

Happy Friday!


📣📣New TGJ podcast episode to be released TOMORROW!

Adv. Grief Recovery Specialist
Emotional Wellness Coach
Podcast Host:

Fight Fear

FEAR comes in many forms:

⛓ A chain that binds your extremeties and disables movement.

🏋️‍♀️ A heavy weight that forces you to stay low when you know you should be standing tall.

🕶 Shades that alter your vision, causing you to exist in a world of can’ts.

🚨 An alarm. A reminder that danger is lurking, leaving you in an indefinite state of paralysis.

Fear, a friend and foe, that we must work hard to keep in check!

How do we denounce fear and embrace confidence, boldness, and curiosity?

Intentionally, force yourself to try something new often!


If I can do it, so can you! I’m certainly a work in progress but I am proof that that there is beauty, fun, life and freedom on the other side of fear!

Adv. Grief Recovery Specialist
Emotional Wellness Coach
Podcast Host:

Taste the VICTORY

I’ve faced these stairs many times.

Standing at the bottom looking up was so intimidating that I stopped looking at the top and just focused on the next step.

When I found myself standing on the top step, I gave myself a moment to recover, rewarding myself with the mind blowing view and the fresh, clean air.

Then I took a deep breathe, and on my journey back down the stairs I prepared my mind and acidified leg muscles for the upcoming ascend.

When I first tackled these ECU stadium stairs, I barely made it to the top. I arrived literally gasping for air, feeling suffocated. Although I’d arrived at the top, the way I felt, was a harsh reminder that I lacked stamina. I found myself standing at the top of the stadium, not focusing on the view, not celebrated my demonstration of endurance or the WIN. I stood on this mountain top translating each gasp as weakness and defeat.

So what did I do?

❇️I STOPPED looking at my children racing up those stairs as if they were running on flat land.

❇️I HONORED and shared my feelings of defeat with a trusted accountability partner (climbing alongside of me) who gracefully checked me.

❇️I DECIDED to climb every stairwell I saw, everywhere I went.

I didn’t hide from or avoid the stairs, I returned and climbed AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN! Until yesterday, I reached the top of the stairs and as my legs went numb, I looked up, admired the beautiful scenery and realized, THIS TIME, I AM NOT GASPING FOR AIR! I inhaled all of that fresh air and smiled all the way back to the base of the stairs!

❓What do you need to stop looking at?
❓Who are you accountable to/safe with?
❓What decision will you make to reach that top step?

Sometimes you can’t focus on the top stair. In these moments you stand at the bottom and figure out how to tackle the NEXT step, then the next. Before you know it, you’ll be standing on the top step victoriously, breathing just fine!


The Blind Spot

I am sooo proud of this chick!

You’ve all seen her on stage, the lights, the camera’s, the supportive screams!!

She kills EVERY TIME!

But ..

She’s struggled with confidence for years!

It’s only been recently that she’s willed herself to begin her own IGTV series entitled, “The Life of Lyssss”

📣 My Pastor made a profound statement,

“Don’t be deceived — it gets dark away from the ‘artificial’ lighting. “

This is true on so many levels!

Yes she’s cute ✅
Yep, she’s absolutely hilarious ✅

Put her on ANY stage and she will
Shine …

But never forget she is NOT a performing monkey, she’s human!

🆘 Sometimes she’s afraid

🆘 Sometimes she doesn’t think she is good enough

🆘 She get’s discouraged

Don’t assume that those you see in the lime light don’t require the same love, positive feedback, and encouraging words as anyone else.

They in-fact probably need it more!

Super proud of this young lady.
Far beyond her works and dope performances.

We’re proud of her decision to move forward, despite all of her fears and insecurities!!


The Blind Spot

I am sooo proud of this chick!

You’ve all seen her on stage, the lights, the camera’s, the supportive screams!!

She kills EVERY TIME!

But ..

She’s struggled with confidence for years!

It’s only been recently that she’s willed herself to begin her own IGTV series entitled, “The Life of Lyssss”

📣 My Pastor made a profound statement,

“Don’t be deceived — it gets dark away from the ‘artificial’ lighting. “

This is true on so many levels!

Yes she’s cute ✅
Yep, she’s absolutely hilarious ✅

Put her on ANY stage and she will
Shine …

But never forget she is NOT a performing monkey, she’s human!

🆘 Sometimes she’s afraid

🆘 Sometimes she doesn’t think she is good enough

🆘 She get’s discouraged

Don’t assume that those you see in the lime light don’t require the same love, positive feedback, and encouraging words as anyone else.

They in-fact probably need it more!

Super proud of this young lady.
Far beyond her works and dope performances.

We’re proud of her decision to move forward, despite all of her fears and insecurities!!


Out with the old then in with the new

We’re all talking about 2021 goals and I love it.

But can I interrupt the conversation and talk about 2020 and beyond habits that I | WE need to break!

Here’s my strange addiction! A terrible habit that I started years ago.

This one cup of ☕️ (creme brûlée latte with almond milk) cost over $6!!!!!

I know better! The coffee isn’t even consistently delicious. Yet I still find myself in that line 🤦🏾‍♀️.

I’m over it .. and I’m working on the perfect coffee recipe. In 2021, that $6 a day will become an investment!

What is it for you and do you have an extraction strategy?

Out with the old THEN in with the new!

The Gift of Voice

Tomorrow is Christmas and I’ve decided that my true love is ME!

Today I gift myself with the gift of voice!

I will no longer be muted by my fears and insecurities.

I replace self-doubt with self – confidence.

When I hear, “Girl you can’t do this because you’re not them.” I’ll say, “I can and will do it because it is what I was created and graced to do.”

From this day forward, I acknowledge that my voice matters, my words break chains, and every word I don’t speak, hinders the growth of another.

Enjoy this video.

The Gift of Voice

Tomorrow is Christmas and I’ve decided that my true love is ME!

Today I gift myself with the gift of voice!

I will no longer be muted by my fears and insecurities.

I replace self-doubt with self – confidence.

When I hear, “Girl you can’t do this because you’re not them.” I’ll say, “I can and will do it because it is what I was created and graced to do.”

From this day forward, I acknowledge that my voice matters, my words break chains, and every word I don’t speak, hinders the growth of another.

Enjoy this video.

The Gift of Voice

Tomorrow is Christmas and I’ve decided that my true love is ME!

Today I gift myself with the gift of voice!

I will no longer be muted by my fears and insecurities.

I replace self-doubt with self – confidence.

When I hear, “Girl you can’t do this because you’re not them.” I’ll say, “I can and will do it because it is what I was created and graced to do.”

From this day forward, I acknowledge that my voice matters, my words break chains, and every word I don’t speak, hinders the growth of another.

Enjoy this video.

Changing from the inside out

Ready for change? It all begins with you! Believe it or not, everything you need to become all that you desire to be is ALREADY WITHIN YOU!

There was a time when I didn’t have the confidence to post a photo of myself. Grief Recovery helped me understand why. I didn’t like my photos because I didn’t like myself. I didn’t like myself because I didn’t know myself. I knew what others wanted me to be but I had no idea who or what I was purposefully designed and created to be. As a result I suffered from a severe case of comparisonitis that kept me in hiding for the majority of my young and adult life.

I’ve done my work and now I stay facebook ready!

Enough about me, I am now trained and ready to help YOU! The process that brought me freedom is called Grief Recovery and it is readily available to you. Just say the word, and we’ll get to work.

You know YOU MATTER RIGHT? If you don’t, that’s ok, let’s work together to better understand your why. I’ll stand with you and believe it for you until you’re in a place where you can believe it for yourself!

Better is waiting for you! All you have to do is show up!

I believe in you and I’m already proud of you!

Happy Monday
