Almost there!  

Whenever you feel like NOT pursuing you.  When you look up and the mountain seems to high to climb.  When you are discouraged and need to refocus.  OR if you are like me and just need a kick in the pants every once in a while.  Click this link and Just Do It anyway.  My mother always told me to take my feelings and put them in my pocket!  I share that wisdom with you today family.  Don’t by moved by how you feel, pursue what you know!  JUST DO IT, if you don’t, you’ll spend a lifetime regretting it. 

When you start doing it, you’ll soon look up and realize that you’ve done it

I’m rooting for you!  

A Cup of Inspiration

Do you know why your success matters?  Why I spend so much of my time encouraging you to “Pursue You”, begin to climb and eventually conquer all of your mountains, get over your fears and take baby steps toward your goals and dreams?

Ever thought about this?  IT’S NOT EVEN ABOUT YOU!  Your success goes far beyond you, it inspires others!  Every time you “WIN” big or small, someone else is watching and your “I DID IT” gives them their “I CAN DO IT TOO!”

So why are you still sitting there? Get up and do something.  Someone else is counting on you!  YOU MATTER!  The world needs your gift.  So discover it, cultivate it and then share it!

Excited for your “WIN”, who knows how many lives it will change!  This thing is so much bigger than you!

I dedicate this post to my dear friend Chaundra! You inspire me to dream big!! Watching you do what you do, has given me my “I Can Do It Too.”  


Thinking About You

This post dedicated to all those suffering as a result of Hurricane Matthew.  I want you to know that I’m thinking about you and I’m praying for you!   

Everyone please be WISE, and be SAFE. Remember your neighbor, help where you can. If there is nothing we can physically do, we can still pray for protection! Also a simple “checking on you” call or text could change someone’s life. How many people are stuck in their homes, without power alone right now. Let them know you are thinking about them, don’t assume they are ok. People need to know you care! Be the change, make the difference. What you may deem as little will be much to someone else. Love you COJ Family!! Praying for you!

No Excuses! 

What’s stopping you?  Why can’t you?  What do you THINK are your limitations?  Write it out, make a list, identify your mountains.   Now study your list.  What are your 3 biggest mountains? What’s your plan to conquer them?  “I can’t” is not an option, “I don’t know how” is not a valid excuse, there is way to much free information available to you.  
Change your mind!  If you had no limitations, what would you do? Now go do it, you have to at least try!  

Could it be that the only thing stopping you is you?  
Develop a plan today and execute!

Are You Comfortable?

Where are you?  At home, in your favorite PJs, drinking a cup of your favorite hot tea watching your favorite T.V. Show? 

This sound familiar to you?  Wake up, feed children, dress children, send children to school, go to work, get off work, pick children up, take children to their various activities, come home, feed children/family AGAIN,  prepare for bed, pass out and repeat tomorrow!  

How long have you been sitting in the same place, doing the same thing? How many days, weeks, months or YEARS have you allowed to pass you by? How is your regular routine working for you?  

Are you comfortable?? 

Hopefully you are performing a self evaluation right now.  I hope the thought of you being comfortable makes you uncomfortable!  

Impress YOURSELF Today!

Don’t wake up and proceed with your regular routine!  Where has what you’ve been doing every day for for the last 3 months gotten you?  

Think about it, where you are today is a result of what you did yesterday, and the day before that and last week and last month!  Is what you’ve been doing working for you?

I’ll give you a few moments to reflect.  Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you get back!  

Now that you’ve taken a minute, if you are not where you want to be DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT, I bet you’ll surprise yourself!  

If your goal is to exercise, don’t choose the closest parking space, park further away and walk.  If you are working on time management, make a list of what you want to accomplish in the next two hours.  Prioritize your list, now you can see your top three hits and tackle those first.  Give yourself time limits for each task.  If you are aware that you’ve got a limited amount of time, maybe that will help keep you focused.  If you are easily distracted (like me), identify your distractors and be intentional about avoiding them.  Sometimes, I intentionally turn my phone off for an hour or leave it in the car when I need to focus.  

DO SOMETHING!  Start somewhere, the small victories will give you strength and confidence you need to keep going.  Before you know it you’ll be standing on top of the mountain looking down at all you’ve accomplished and overcome. Then I want you to go find a mirror and say, “WAY TO GO SELF, I’M IMPRESSED!”

Take these small steps today, celebrate every victory and I promise, you’ll thank yourself later!  Work on your tomorrow today!  #YouMatter #PursueYou #JustDoIt

A cup of “You Time”

What did you do for yourself today? Did you carve out a few minutes of alone time? Give yourself 20 minutes to read a chapter of your favorite book? Put scented bath salts in your water, light a few candles and just enjoy peace and quiet? I bet you took 30 minutes to workout at the gym. Anything?? 

Wait .. NOTHING??? How long do you think you’ll be able pour into others all day long, day after day, without dedicating a few minutes to refilling your own cup!  

You do not get an award for being everything to and for everyone else at the expense of yourself! There is no competition, you control how your time is spent. I promise you, your “to do” list, all of those dishes and that ENTIRE mountain of clothes can either wait a few minutes or it will still be there waiting for you tomorrow!  

People will take whatever it is you have to give, go on about their day and never look back! If YOU don’t take care of YOU, NO ONE ELSE WILL!

Sometimes you have to take off your super woman cape and just be Lois. Honestly, what’s wrong with Lois? Superman sure thought she was worth a good fight! She had her own super powers and she knew WHEN and HOW to use them (that’s an entirely different blog post).

So my question remains, what did you do for yourself today? If the answer is nothing? What’s your plan for tomorrow?  

YOU MATTER, YOU ARE IMPORTANT TOO and if we are really honest, you are your BEST you when you take breaks! Retreat daily, train your boyfriend, fiancé, friends husband, family and your kids (ESPECIALLY THE KIDS) that your “you time” is sacred and in order for you to be at your best tomorrow, you just need a few minutes today! 


I never told you what I did for me today! I took a long uninterrupted, hot shower, brewed my favorite cup of hot tea, sat down in my favorite chair and wrote this special blog post dedicated to you! All this while my kids cleaned up my kitchen so that I can go decorate later! #Winning!

Relax and Refill your cup Ladies!