You Have The Power, But Do You Know It?

Basically, you have more power than you think AND you have the RIGHT to make whatever choices you deem are in your best interest! 

AKA it’s your world! Everyone else is just living in it! 💜 Whose telling you that you can’t? Who are you listening to and why? I have people that I trust have my best interest in mind when giving me their counsel. These are my feeders and I’m grateful for their wisdom! Who are your feeders? Who are you seeking for wise counsel? Are they empowering you to take control and move toward your purpose? Or are they encouraging you remain stagnant and completely dependent upon them? What are their motives? What is their heart attitude towards you? What do they stand to gain from keeping you from pursuing the development of your God given talents and purpose? Consider these things and remember ultimately, the power is yours! Think about it! 

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