The Power of Thankfulness

Today’s challenge —> Try Thankfulness. Choosing to be thankful puts you in a position of power. Often when the universe doesn’t honor our requests and our days are filled with mishaps, our first response is to raise our white flags and surrender in defeat! Our go-to phrase, “I GIVE UP” provides us with a false sense of comfort and permission to stop living today and try again tomorrow. But what if we replaced those words of defeat with words of thankfulness. When I face opposition, I immediately look for an opportunity to be thankful. When, I’m rushing and lock my keys in the house but I have my phone in my hand, “thank God, I can call for help.” When I’ve spilled my favorite cup of tea in my husbands brand new car, “thank goodness it’s light-colored, can be easily cleaned, and he wasn’t in the car with me to witness it.” When my heart is broken due to disappointment, “thank you God for revealing the hidden knife that could’ve very well stabbed and killed me. “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NAS). When you find yourself standing at a crossroad, understand that you’re fully equipped with the power of choice. Choose thankfulness and resist defeat.

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