Are you Feeling

😴 Tired?
😰 Overwhelmed?
😖 Irritable?
🥺 Incapable?
⭕️ Like you’re stuck?

Who’s race are you running?

Your own? The one YOU were assigned to and graced for?


The one SOMEONE ELSE packaged in pretty wrapping paper, handed to you, and convinced you that their gift, their desire, or their failure was your assignment to complete!

So often, we feel frustrated and inadequate, simply because we are running a race that doesn’t belong to us.

Gwen, How can I tell who’s race I’m running?

1️⃣ Monitor your peace🕊. You can be stressed, even overwhelmed, but when you know you’re in divine order and walking in YOUR TRUTH & PURPOSE, there’s peace.

2️⃣ Check your motives and motivations 🏁. What is your why? Why are you pursuing all that you are? If your why is your assignment, it alone will be enough to keep you and motivated you to take another step until you’ve finished your race!

3️⃣ Check your temperature 🤒. All of your doing, all of your trying, all of your efforts, are they making you sick? Irritation, frustration, and discomfort could be signs of a low grade fever, the cause => your misalignment.

When you’re out of balance, improperly placed, constantly using the wrong muscles, you’ll soon develop visible symptoms. Tylenol won’t relieve this fever.

In order to rid yourself of this pain, you’ve got to run your own race!



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